fiction, sad girl vibes, naturalists & tree huggers Book Club with Julia & Victoria fiction, sad girl vibes, naturalists & tree huggers Book Club with Julia & Victoria

V&O: Sea Change by Gina Chung — Loneliness & Adaptation

Julia and Victoria discuss Sea Change by Gina Chung and how authors use the octopus to contemplate loneliness and change. They discover that life really is about the friends we made along the way in this first book of The Vampire & the Octopus series.

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V&O: The Octopus in Literature, an Equal, Intelligent Other

Julia takes Victoria on a deep dive of octopus stories throughout time and space in this first episode of The Vampire & the Octopus series. We tackle questions like “Are octopus stories a form of colonizer horror?” and “What’s with all the octopus books coming out recently?” and “Why did the 19th century French think the octopus was the physical embodiment of hell?”

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